You're In It Now

As a forever space nerd, I have gotten involved with the Cambridge University Space Flight team, a group of undergrads trying to launch a rocket into space. For some reason they asked for me to provide feedback and maybe help them get some funding. (Anyone in the states want to fund some really smart aerospace engineering students??)

A portion of this group got dinner this week and as we were talking about future plans the question was asked if I planned to stay in the UK or not after my MBA year. My standard answer to this question is that I foresee I will go back to the states as the market is so much stronger there, but I’m not closing any doors prematurely either. After sharing this, a 3rd year told me, “you’re in it now”. Referring to the Cambridge bubble. 

I’ve been mulling that statement over this entire week. I’ve spent my life in a variety of bubbles; STE, A&M, HMNS, space, etc. I can’t help but wonder if bubbles are a good thing. Naturally, we are drawn to people who are similar to us: whether that be in thought, appearance, or lifestyle. But if we’re only surrounding ourselves with the familiar and comfortable are we growing and pushing ourselves?

One of the highlights of being in Cambridge has been the change in perspective. Folks here want to listen to others' thoughts and beliefs to better understand why/how someone thinks. I wish America had more of that and less polarization. But, I digress. 

As I’ve gotten older, those established life bubbles have naturally bounced into each other like electrons on atoms colliding. The outcome of these reactions has been the creation of a large bubble instead of lots of tiny ones. I do hope this lack of homogeneity over the years has created a healthy bubble as it has been one of the greatest points of pride in life to have successfully merged my friend groups from different chapters and stages of life, but, I could be way off.

The prospect of adding Cambridge (and maybe even part of ‘the other place’) to my bubble is exciting. I’m looking forward to watching the bubble expand this year.

This week was jam-packed with activities. Monday kicked off with a formal at Peterhouse, the oldest college at Cambridge. Hogwarts, is that you?


Wednesday was the finale of matriculation! We signed the book and had dinner with the president of the college and took lots of pictures. The Queens’ crew knows how to have fun. 

Thursday I was back at Queens’ for a mid table dinner. Which just means that instead of sitting in the normal seats at formal hall, I got to sit with the fellows and get free drinks. Met really interesting people, from someone getting a PhD in theology to someone getting a PhD in material science. 

Friday was ANOTHER formal at Queens’, but this time in the Old Hall which is just always nicer. 

(I might be formaled out for a while)

Saturday was my content queen/Queens’ gal’s 30th birthday. Such a fun night, and somehow I am still meeting new people in our class. 

Sunday took me to London to see my little and her husband. Visited the National Portrait Gallery and then went to see ABBA in concert. Sort of. 

I promise I do go to school daily, have homework, and spend time studying. 

Oh, and Liz Truss stepped down as PM after 44 days at the helm. For reference, I’ve officially been in school for 35 days. 


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