Life is Good

I finally feel like I have a solid groove going for school. Which probably means I'm either missing something or I'm about to get hit with a freight train of work. But tonight, I feel like I have a handle on this whole business school thang.

The days are passing by so fast, there are more things to do in a day than there is time. I've never been more cognizant of time than now. We only have a year here in Cambridge, and we're ALREADY a month in. I'm exhausted but so happy. 

[this is more for future Christine to look back on then anyone who is reading this so feel free to skip] 

This whole experience finally sunk in this week, and I am just really proud of myself for being here and accomplishing this. Before getting in I had a list a mile long of reasons I wouldn't/shouldn't/couldn't do this. I'm happy to be proved wrong.

[back to the goods]

The week started off with a former coworker visiting for lunch - it was nice to catch up and show off my new home. Finally went into King's Chapel to see what all the fuss is about...I get it now.

We were assigned our company that we're consulting for over Michaelmas this week. Study Group 16, AKA The Guardians of the Galaxy is ready to deliver.

The week ended with another formal at Queens'! We got to bring guests this time. It's controversial, but I'm just going to say it, Queens' has the best college food. Someone prove me wrong.

Content Queens

The American Society threw a gathering at a BBQ joint in Cambridge. Texas just does it better. Thanks to time zones I stayed up too late catching up with homies back in Denver, but it did my heart good to catch up with dear friends.

Intentionally spent a lot of time outside this weekend, as the sun was shining and I'm not sure how many more sunny days we are going to get. Everyday I am more and more grateful to be here, to build beautiful new relationships with people, and to get a chance to push myself in a way that I never had before.

I'm sappy this week - I'll turn up the spice next week.



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