Flashing Lights

Flashing lights, no not the song, in my eyes.

Before I get into this, I am fine, but it's been a rough week. 

I've had abnormal flashes in my eyes all week and to say the least I have been really stressed. It took 4 days to get in to see an optometrist, which was mind-blowing for this American. The NHS system is very very very different from what I'm used to. 29 years in the states and only one trip to the emergency room. 52 days in the UK and two trips to the A&E (accidents and emergency services) in Cambridge. Killin' it.

Left: begging someone to let me see an optometrist (Trip 1)
Right: waiting for my eyes to dilate (Trip 2)

Truly, bless the souls in my class who listened to my freakouts, held my hands while I cried, checked in on me, and even drove me to the ER.

I would not have survived this week without that. Incredibly grateful.

As my optometrist back home said, my eyes are overachievers (duh), and just decided to do something at 30 that normally happens at 60. So you too will get to experience this fun one day!

But, I am okay, I can see, and my retinas are still fully attached! Praise be!

I am drained though.

In between the health drama, I still managed to have some semblance of a social life.

Lina and I went to our first event at the Cambridge Union! Mick Mulvaney was giving a talk about his time in the Trump White House and how that relationship ended. Fascinating.

Also had the chance to go to a formal at Gonville & Caius (Keys) - they have a gallery/balcony that you can eat from, very cool vibe. Sharing the other picture, because it accurately describes my brain right now.


Had the chance to visit a buddy from Duke in London on Friday. It's so wonderful to see familiar faces. We visited the Churchill War Rooms, which has been on my to-do list for a while now. [I would've laid part of it out differently, but that's neither here nor there]

Saturday was a nice break, Em, Lina, and I brunched and museumed. Made my heart happy, I haven't spent enough time in museums in this country.

Who posed best?

Sunday started with a FaceTime wake up call from one of the guys in Top Gun and a girl from the 80's. Y'all woke me up so I feel no regret for this picture. <3 y'all.

Sunday ended with a space team formal at Downing College. Checked another one off the list.

Here's hoping that next week some of the drive comes back. As it stands, my battery is depleted.


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