XOXO, Space Girl

Monday was Galentine's Day, the most sacred of all hallmark holidays. Thank you Parks and Rec. The biggest thanks goes to Krathika - she planned a lovely evening for all of us at Bill's - she's the real MVP. In other news, Rebecca and I are an old married couple at this point.

Tuesday was Valentine's Day. We had class from 9am-7:30pm. It was a long day. But I got to spend the day with my true love, space. Rebecca was handing out roses - too cute.

For our negotiations class, we had two guest speakers in the afternoon. The first was a member of the House of Lords who talked about Brexit. It was eye-opening as someone who didn't know too much about that whole thing. In case anyone forgot, our elected officials are also human and as such do not always make wise decisions. After the Brexit talk, we had the main affair - a former astronaut talked to us! Michael Foale is a former Cambridge student who also went to Queens' College. I sat front and center and was eating up everything he was saying. Apparently, this was quite evident as I looked at the class group chat and there were lots of images of me and some hilarious commentary. I feel very understood and loved by these sweet classmates of mine.


After the first space talk, met up with Emily to go to Peterhouse College for a chat on James Webb Space Telescope. That telescope is one of the most amazing things to come out of NASA in recent years. Love learning more about what that means for the future.

The rest of the week was pretty much filled with school and essay writing. I have so many more essays this term and so much less time to write them...

Friday night ended with drinks after electives and a Michaelmas Stream 2 gals reunion dinner which led to Jesus Bar for an early birthday celebration for Chira! Such a huge group of MBAs and such a lovely turnout. A blast on a Friday night!

Saturday brought Open Day and included sitting on a panel for prospective students to share our experiences and answer any questions. Seems crazy that we're on the other side of this now - it's only been five months! There was a lovely BBQ at Maid's in the afternoon - some delicious food and even better company :)

Sunday has just been lovely, brunch at Queens' with my co-social chair, Vivian, and treasurer, Jimmy. Then met up with Em for a healthy walk to Grantchester, including a scone. We soaked up so much sun and walked a lot of miles for a Sunday. Ended the day with dance practice for MBAT. A lovely, restful evening.

List of things I miss from home:
  • Auggie
  • Parents (they're only #2 because I can talk to them, I can't talk to Auggie)
  • Friends
  • Couches
  • My chiropractor
  • Fajitas
  • HMNS events
  • Rodeo (it's rodeo season in Houston, y'all, and I haven't been since the day before they shut it all down for Covid lol)


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