Snakes in a Lab

Today does not feel like a Sunday so I almost forgot to write this blog. I know my three dedicated readers would be crushed, so without further ado...

This was the last week of core courses for the Lent Term, this one is flying by! 

After a typical MBA lunch at Queens', we went for bubble tea. Still undecided on if I am as big a fan of the drink as some of my classmates, but it was a fun adventure none the less. Somehow tu has followed me all the way to Cambridge and as much as I try to say horns down, the horns keep getting put up.

The evening ended with a Rawr Rawr reunion for Val's 30th birthday!! Pizza is always a good idea. Here's to road trip round 2 :)

Tuesday was pancake day. Like so many other things, pancakes are different here than in the states. I would call the UK pancake a crepe, nevertheless, still quite delicious. Em and I baked all the coral in the sea and watched one of the movies our negotiations professor suggested as we feasted. #nerdlyfe

Wednesday included a Gender Equality SIG wine and cheese speed networking event, featuring some HUGE blueberries, and a little good ole Texas rivalry.

After the event, I went to see SIX the musical! This stars all SIX wives of Henry the 8th. This history nerd was vibing the whole time. I later found out that some Cambridge students wrote this musical a few years ago and showcased it at the Edinburgh Fringe and it took off from there - so neat!

Thursday was the last class with Stream 3 this term, a bittersweet ending to a fun term!

SPOTTED: some of Rawr Rawr from across the library

That evening I booked my flights to Australia and Japan (WHAT) and then went with some fellow MBAs to an informational session about the Oxford Cambridge Club in London. Quite posh, you know. Thanks, Lina, for letting me borrow a dress so I could pretend to be posh.

After class on Friday, we had an MBA x EMBA mixer, which was quite fun. The food was also for us today! Later on, had the pleasure of squeezing into a snug and meeting Jo's sweet parents!

Saturday was spent in the computer lab ALL DAY learning Python. 

The evening was fun though. We were instructed to dress as old(er) people for Val and Brando's birthday celebration to say goodbye to their youth. Some people went all out.

Today was another day of Python classes, perhaps you've figured out why this blog is straight mush. After class, went to MBAT dance practice and learned part of a section - woohoo! 

I'm tired, signing off, excited to sleep in.

P.S. here are some other pics that I enjoyed this week 

P.P.S. If you want a May Ball ticket, they go on sale Monday at noon. It's going to be a blast, you won't want to miss it.

P.P.P.S. Mario spilled his drink


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