
Not having a normal schedule means that I don't have a normal blog posting schedule either...

This week I spent extra hours taking continuing education classes here at Cambridge. They offered a class on space, and I just couldn't say no to that. 'Space: Governance, Colonisation, or Weaponisation', I also had to pick a class for the afternoon and decided upon Cryptography. I really enjoyed both classes and even brushed up on some of my math skills. Who would have thought?

On Tuesday, a group of us from Cambridge went to London to celebrate Dominique's birthday! So fun to see lots of good ole MBAs again and celebrate sweet Dom. 


Wednesday ended with some DELICIOUS biryani made by Chira at Taylor and Ian's. One of the best meals, truly. Then I had an early morning call for my fall internship! Very exciting!

Thursday took me into town for some Mexican food and then met up with Jasreen, Brandon, and Karina to watch A Midsummer Night's Dream at Trinity College. There was a small army of children there, which was a lot. They were standing and running around and it was a lot when you're trying to watch a play. We were already wearing jumpers because it was brisk outside but then it started raining. Only in the UK. In August.


Friday after class a few of us headed to Luton Airport to fly to Faro for a fun weekend celebrating some August birthdays!

We stayed at this lovely house in Lagos that came equipped with a pool and didn't do a whole lot else throughout the weekend. On Saturday we ventured into town to go on a boat tour to see all the caves which was quite nice. That evening we went to a very nice restaurant that Sofia found that's only open for 2 hours every day! So cool! Lots of birthdays were celebrated in that restaurant that night. Every other activity was surrounding food or bodies of water. Which quite frankly was a nice break and relaxation. It was such a solid crew. Beach Team 2 (Sof, Hadeel, Dom, and I) was talking about how we all felt that the friendships formed this year are so special. So unlike any other friendships in the past, not better, just different. While we were all brought together by this programme,  we still chose each other at the end of the day. There is something so beautiful about that, especially since we're all old and it can be difficult to make new friends as you age. The beach was absolutely freezing, but Rebecca made sure we all got into the water. After the beach, we grilled and feasted on some delicious food. We ended up going into town that night and exploring. The boys found a spot that could hold 11 of us for a late-night snack. Prior to paying the bill, someone who I assume to be the owner came to our table. He asked how we all knew each other, where we came from, etc. His response was along the lines of that we had found our other family. And in many ways, he was right. Every person in this group fills a different role, brings something unique to the table, and somehow (as Brandon noted) remained functional through it all.

We finally returned back to reality on Monday after tapas, Pasteis de nata, and a tour of winery. We all lived lounge life before returning back to London. It was a late night back to Cambridge from Luton - we got back around 2am. Woof.






I obviously slept in today. Met up with Kratika in the morning to say a 'see you later' before she heads to Geneva! Then lunch with Talitha for a 'see you later' as well. Everyone's days in Cambridge are numbered and it's hard to believe the year is almost up. 


I'm working on packing up my room, yes, it is painful.

It's a short blog, but this weekend brought a lot of joy, laughter, and smiles into my life.

Paraphrased from Brandon: 

We're always focused on what needs to change, instead of focusing on what's already here and good.


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