
It's been over a month since I've hopped on here. Partly because it's been a quiet season of life and partly because I am trying to sort out the next chapter of life - and that's been filled with confusion, rejection, and frustration.


This past weekend took me back to Houston, to celebrate not one, but three friends, weddings! Each friend near and dear to my heart, each from a different and beautiful chapter of life, that I am still privileged to call a friend.

First up was Julia, aka Cupcake. We first met at the Houston Museum of Natural Science as Ecoteen volunteers back in high school - I feel like we initially bonded because we both didn't know anyone else in the program so connected because of that. One week, while supporting the Triwizard Tournament, we were the keepers of the golden egg and we were stationed in the gems and minerals hall for an hour and had a chance to become friends. From there the friendship grew. I have so many fun and fond memories of our days at HMNS. Julia has included me in several international trips with her lovely friend group from NYC, taking me to both Tanzania and Greece over the years. (Still advocating for another trip soon!) Julia is one of those friends that no matter how long you've been apart, you pick up right where you left off. She has a heart of gold and I'm so grateful to call her friend...and I can't wait for a cupcake date to catch up during the holidays!

Next up was Christian, of Daniel and Christian. I can't really talk about one without talking about the other. It was the fall semester of sophomore year at Texas A&M and as I walked into ENGR 112, I never could have predicted that I was about to meet two of the dearest guys. We had assigned seats in that class - it was me, Daniel, and then Christian. We spent the semester learning about several things, but the one that sticks out the most is Solidworks. I spent most of the semester confused and constantly asking Daniel to catch me up, while Christian spent most of the semester making fun of my lack of skills while building a decked-out wheelchair in Solidworks. Somewhere along the term, the three of us became friends, even though I couldn't get them to come to any sorority event. The friendship really flourished when we all ended up in Houston after graduation. I have too many stories to count with the two of them, but they are maybe (in some ways) the closest thing I have to brothers. They give me crap like no one else, they encourage me in some of my darkest moments, never fail to make me laugh, and are two people I trust thoroughly. In a lot of ways, I've had the chance to watch them grow up and mature from boys to men. They are both gem human beings. They've always been there. Christian was kind enough to open his apartment to me and Auggie after Hurricane Harvey, and has always somehow found the kindest words when I need to hear them. Daniel and I were there the night Christian met his future wife, Hai. I still remember we were playing sand volleyball and he was smitten, and scared to talk to her. Naturally, there was some teasing involved, but he eventually worked up the courage many months later to talk to her, and the love between them is evident.

Last, but certainly not least, wedding #3 - Hannah. Hannah and I first met in Kindergarten. She was my first desk partner in school and I remember she had cooler toys than I did. The good and bad thing about going to a small school for 13 years is you know everything about everyone, but thankfully there is still love between our group. It's impossible to make old friends, and Hannah is one of the oldest - we've all experienced so much life together. Hannah was the most prepared gal on our last girls' trip to Utah, and she kept the rest of us on track. Hannah brought the Hike Kweenz back together to celebrate and reminisce on the crazy and the fun. And boy was her wedding crazy fun! There wasn't a dry eye among us as she walked down the aisle to her husband, and then we all lost it as she recited her vows. That's a testament to her and the impact that Hannah has on a room.

It was beautiful and heart-warming to see so many people that I love, in love. My heart is bursting with happiness for all of them, and I am honoured to have been a part of these special days and play a small part in each of their lives as well.


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