Michaelmas In Review

The first term of my MBA program is complete! 

It's scary how quickly the last four months have flown by. This week was filled with final exams, half in person, half online.

Monday: Microeconomics

Tuesday: Corporate Finance

Wednesday: Financial Reporting and Analysis (accounting)

Thursday: Management Science (statistics)

I'm embarrassed to say that I actually enjoyed sitting for the statistics exam, but it was fun to flex those muscles from undergrad.

I feel confident that all exams were passed, and I am so grateful I finished the essays before this week as I am brain ded. Looking forward to traveling over the holiday and not having to think too much about school.

It is properly cold now, there is no question that winter is here. The snow has not melted since Sunday, which has made it very difficult to walk on the pavement, it's totally just iced over. Haven't fallen, yet, but definitely have slid on the ice! Queens' looked lovely dressed in the snow though, and I'm grateful we had the chance to see Cambridge covered in snow as this doesn't happen that often.

To celebrate the end of term, some of the Queens' crew got together for a delicious lunch - we have fun.

The MBA program also hosted a lovely end-of-term reception at the Cambridge Union. It's hard to believe that I've only known these people for four months as it's going to be so weird to not see everyone for a month.

As I've said, I can't believe the term is over, it just doesn't seem possible. These last four months have pushed me in a way I haven't been pushed in a while, and it's difficult to accept that this all ends essentially in July. 

One of my mom's favorite stories to share about me is that on the first day of 8th grade I was already talking about college and what was coming. I always seem to be focusing on what's coming next and creating a new goal to reach or a milestone to hit. For once, I truly don't know what the next goal is. It's unchartered territory for me. 
Well, I do know that I want an honorary degree from UVA at some point, so maybe I can focus on that for now 
(manifesting that by writing it down)

But seeing as our time is so short here I think that may be a good thing. It's helped me fully take advantage of this experience in Cambridge. It was hard in Denver once I knew that I was moving here. Believe it or not, it can be difficult to get people to invest their time with you when they know you're leaving. While our situation here is different as we're all transients for 365 days, I do think we all had to decide between two modes of behaviour for this year. Mode one is to live presently, squeeze every ounce you can out of an experience, and hold the relationships you form closely. Mode two is to hold every experience and everyone you meet at arm's length to protect yourself from the coming departure. Looking back on this term, I'm glad we've lived in mode one. Knowing our time is scarce has led to quickly formed, but strong relationships, and I can't wait to see what Lent Term has in store.

They say this programme will change you...and I think it already has.

But enough about school, I am officially on holiday! Over the break, I look forward to traveling, resting, and annoying my friends from home with every British saying and slang I've picked up throughout the term.

So for now dear readers, this (unexpected) blogger is going to say adieu for 2022! But, I'll be back in 2023 to get the degree and share some new tea. 


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