Dead Week

This week started off with our Cambridge Venture Project final presentation! I am soooo glad we decided to present on Monday because that gave us the rest of the week to study for finals. Study Group 16, AKA the Guardians of the Galaxy did great in the presentation (in my most humble opinion). It was neat to learn about the consulting process and an industry (banking) that I knew nothing about.

When I say the rest of week was spent studying, I mean I lived in the Queens' graduate study space all week. Very grateful for the Armitage Room, and all the MBAs that have been in there all week as well.

Saturday brought a fundraiser at the St. Pancras Hotel in London. It's absolutely a beautiful location, and a solid group of MBAs went to support one of Thomas's friends. Met some lovely non-MBA folks throughout the night as well. Such a fun end to the term and a nice break from studying too!

Tonight I went to see Jack Whitehall with Chad and Tenaya - a funny show. After some last-minute studying, it started snowing! While living in Denver has taken some of the novelty of snow away, it is pretty magical to see this place with snow. I had to go outside to see if for me and after a few minutes outside, my favorite STE/Denverites FaceTimed me and it always warms my heart to catch up with them. Neither Sean nor Cat read my blog, and we're currently talking about how they don't read this because as they say, "we talk to you". But they still get a feature. 

Four finals stand between me and the end of Michaelmas Term. I am very much so looking forward to a break. Send all the good vibez so we make it through this week.


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