A Tale of Two Balls

What a week y'all.

This week we had final review sessions for all our classes - super helpful!

But we also had a little (lot) of fun. 

[That means this blog post is mostly a photo dump, enjoy]

Monday night ended with the Cambridge Union Ball. There was a big group of MBAs there, which always makes for a fun time. There was food, drinks, a silent disco, and a casino. What more could you want from a ball? Under suggestion, I wore my trainers instead of my heels, and it was definitely the wisest decision I've made in a while.

MBAs galore

Two of my favorite lads

Dapper lads

When you just want Cody to love you

Chad, I still can't believe you wore UT colors

Gals in GREEN

MBA Survivor Photo circa 2am

Another highlight this week was watching our classmate absolutely crush the competition at the last rugby game of the year. Go Tommy Go!

Thursday brought with it another Ball, this time at St. Catherine's (Catz) College.

What is it with this city and silent discos?

Karl discovered a new use for a headband

10/10 'fit

Highly recommend wearing trainers and a jumpsuit - super comfortable and makes it easy to perform my only party trick.

I have nothing deep to discuss this week. I did manage to finish all my essays for this term by Thursday (whoop), so small victories.

This coming week brings a final presentation on Monday and then my nose goes to the grindstone to study for finals. The end of Michaelmas is imminent and I think we're all ready for it.


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