
Showing posts from December, 2022

Michaelmas In Review

The first term of my MBA program is complete!  It's scary how quickly the last four months have flown by. This week was filled with final exams, half in person, half online. Monday: Microeconomics Tuesday: Corporate Finance Wednesday: Financial Reporting and Analysis (accounting) Thursday: Management Science (statistics) I'm embarrassed to say that I actually enjoyed sitting for the statistics exam, but it was fun to flex those muscles from undergrad. I feel confident that all exams were passed, and I am so grateful I finished the essays before this week as I am brain ded. Looking forward to traveling over the holiday and not having to think too much about school. It is properly cold now, there is no question that winter is here. The snow has not melted since Sunday, which has made it very difficult to walk on the pavement, it's totally just iced over. Haven't fallen, yet, but definitely have slid on the ice! Queens' looked lovely dressed in the snow though, and I...

Dead Week

This week started off with our Cambridge Venture Project final presentation! I am soooo glad we decided to present on Monday because that gave us the rest of the week to study for finals. Study Group 16, AKA the Guardians of the Galaxy did great in the presentation (in my most humble opinion). It was neat to learn about the consulting process and an industry (banking) that I knew nothing about. When I say the rest of week was spent studying, I mean I lived in the Queens' graduate study space all week. Very grateful for the Armitage Room, and all the MBAs that have been in there all week as well. Saturday brought a fundraiser at the St. Pancras Hotel in London. It's absolutely a beautiful location, and a solid group of MBAs went to support one of Thomas's friends. Met some lovely non-MBA folks throughout the night as well. Such a fun end to the term and a nice break from studying too! Tonight I went to see Jack Whitehall with Chad and Tenaya - a funny show. After some last-m...

A Tale of Two Balls

What a week y'all. This week we had final review sessions for all our classes - super helpful! But we also had a little (lot) of fun.  [That means this blog post is mostly a photo dump, enjoy] Monday night ended with the Cambridge Union Ball. There was a big group of MBAs there, which always makes for a fun time. There was food, drinks, a silent disco, and a casino. What more could you want from a ball? Under suggestion, I wore my trainers instead of my heels, and it was definitely the wisest decision I've made in a while. MBAs galore Two of my favorite lads Dapper lads When you just want Cody to love you Chad, I still can't believe you wore UT colors Gals in GREEN MBA Survivor Photo circa 2am Another highlight this week was watching our classmate absolutely crush the competition at the last rugby game of the year. Go Tommy Go! Thursday brought with it another Ball, this time at St. Catherine's (Catz) College. What is it with this city and silent discos? Karl discovered...