BYE Week

In the nick of time, we got a week off of classes. Instead, this week was filled with workshops, team projects, and career work. I made a valiant effort to get ahead on two of the four final essays I have to write. I did not get as much done as I hoped, but my brain and body needed a break. 

On Monday we had an Old Hall Soiree at Queens' filled with bubbles and charcuterie. Naturally, we ended the night at MASH, as any good MBA does during their BYE week.

The night at MASH left me feeling like this statue the next day...

Emily and I decided to play tourist in our new city halfway through the week. We visited Trinity College first. What an incredible place...they don't just let anyone visit their grounds. We even finagled our way into the Wren Library - stunning. So fun visiting these places with an architect and hearing her thoughts on these incredible buildings!

Next on the tour was St. John's College...Emily and I both had a moment here. The first part we visited was the chapel and it moved us both. Does anyone have a connection to St. John's? Looking for an in for the May Ball. Much like the Other Place does at Hertford College, St. John's has their own Bridge of Sighs - but the one in Cambridge is over the river 😉

There's no easy explanation for this picture but for my social media directors, I had to include it. Love these two ladies.

On Friday, a member of the marketing team at Judge approached me and asked if they could share last week's blog post on the Cambridge website. I was flattered beyond belief, and hope I can keep up some solid content for the rest of the year...feel free to check the link:

Finally, the weekend hit, and that meant a trip to the Jurassic Coast with Rawr Rawr Crew 2022. The first stop on the road trip was Stonehenge! I went there with my mom back in 2019 and it's still as impressive as it was the first go around. 

Afterward, we headed to Bath for dinner and ran into the abbey. I had a chance to visit there with my Oxford class in 2019, but the abbey was under construction, so it was really neat to see it in its full glory this time around!

We woke up early on Sunday to head to Durdle Door along the Jurassic Coast! Truly, who knew that England could be this beautiful. As the cool car (Brandon, Rebecca, and I) made its way to the Door we passed Lulworth Castle and naturally had to make a pit stop. Worth it.

I was not expecting the coast to look so lovely. We were also very fortunate to have fantastic weather all weekend - not a cloud in sight. I'm convinced there is something about the ocean that is healing. The smell, the air, the breeze, it all just does this girl's heart good. 

Coming to Cambridge, I was most excited about the relationships that I would get to form with my classmates, and this weekend surpassed my expectations in that regard. The Rawr Rawr Crew was 10 outta 10.

I'm ending the week with a very full heart and can't wait to explore more of England with my classmates over the next seven months.

Grateful for these experiences and the people that are making this an already memorable, thought-provoking, and dare I say life-changing year.

Signing off for this week.



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