End of Month 8

This week started with a Bank Holiday on Monday and I took the day of rest seriously. I caught up on laundry and even cleaned my room. I did make time for some exercise too.

Tuesday took some of us back to the classroom for an operations simulation. Arguably the best simulation we’ve done this whole program, the team I was on placed 3rd! Unfortunately we didn’t get a cool prize for third, that was only reserved for first place - some snazzy CJBS yellow lapel pins.

Tuesday afternoon brought with it a photo shoot in the King’s College Meadow. Did we have fun? Yes. Were all the punters laughing at us while we frolicked around? Yes. Any regrets? No.

After that, I had the chance to attend one final midtable dinner in Queens’ Old Hall. Always a lovely evening there. MBAs forever.

Wednesday made us take a personality test to learn more about our leadership styles…I scored a 1 in anger and imagination. Not sure what the takeaway is there.

After lectures, we had a cloudy dinner at the Varsity Hotel Rooftop. I’m still bummed that the weather wasn’t nicer so that we could have spent more time outside, but I think (hope) everyone enjoyed the event! It’s a solid venue and the food was quite nice too. I am a bad social chair and forgot to take ANY pictures until I was walking out to go home, my bad y’all!

Thursday marked the end of my [least] favourite elective. Emily and I really thrived in that class this term. After a quick lunch, I had some lovely volunteers help to make centerpieces and name cards for Judge May Ball! We were able to knock everything out in a few hours and I am SO SO grateful to all of them for make quick work of that!

Afterwards a few of us went to Queens’ to try Texas Meat Feast Pizza i.e., pepperoni pizza before another weekly happy hour at The Anchor. Paper airplane designs were tested and games were played. Overall, a fun night.


I had to wake up quite early on Friday to get to Heathrow to fly back to good ole Houston, TX for a big celebration of milestones for my dear second family! Thanks for helping me get on a plane, Ryan :)

After my parents picked me up at the airport we went to Escalantes so I could get some much needed TexMex food. I crashed around 8pm making Friday a short day.

Saturday brought the magnificent celebration at the Bay. I am so grateful to have been unofficially adopted into this fam post Harvey life. They opened their home to me for months as my parent’s house was under construction. They even let me use their dining room table to do homework every night as I had just started my first master’s degree at that time. Lots of nights spent with wine and laughter with the parents and sometimes even Jackson. As an only child, to have gained so many wonderful siblings is a gift I treasure. They are some of the kindest and most generous people that I know - so it was special to be able to make a trip back to see them and more importantly celebrate them. I even got a special shoutout from the patriarch for having traveled the farthest! 


All the kids

My actual parents :)

STE ‘10 & ‘11

The party was amazing, and I had a chance to catch up with some friends too which was lovely. I’m a sucker for fireworks and when you pair that with bagpipes I can’t ask for more.

Today I just chilled with Auggie who is starting to develop trust issues with me. Not really, but he doesn’t like when I leave. Please note the side-eye.

A whirlwind week, but what a great one it’s been. What is sleep? What day is it? What time is it?

Till next week!


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