Having a Ball(s)

The fabled week in June, May Ball Week. Just one of those quirky Cambridge things. (Pretty sure the 1st May Ball that Trinity College threw was in May, and it’s just stuck). As far as I know, only Oxbridge does these May Balls - at least to this level of extravagance. My original plan was to only attend two May Balls, but as fate would have it, I ended up attending three. But before the fun could begin, I had to do my concentration presentation for Social Innovation. One last group presentation and I did it in shorts with a blazer of course. While walking around Cambridge that day, I overheard some undergrads chatting. One girl said to the other, “we will not have existentialism until after May balls”, which is the most Cambridge thing to overhear. But also, solid advice. First up was Jesus May Ball! Jesus is maybe one of the more hidden gems in Cambridge - apparently they are the sportiest of all the colleges - or so I’ve been told. Jesus has an expansive college ground, and they used...