Barbel & Boar

I don't know how it's possible, but the weeks keep getting better and better. So much fun was had this week! In many ways, I feel like a snake that has shed a layer of skin - fresh and free. It's liberating.

On Monday we finally gave our final GCP Presentation to Deloitte. Happy to be able to officially check that off the to-do list. 

In between lectures on Tuesday, we had our unofficial official class photo! I am so glad we were able to make this work, many thanks to Daisy for coordinating with the photographer! I think (hope) everyone enjoyed it, I know I couldn't stop smiling after we got the important picture taken. It was just fun getting group pics with everyone. I really like this crowd.

some of the best gals 
toads n seals
the pose
love these ladies 

always and forever in the same stream 
two queens

more queens
goats n eagles
the best class out there

On Wednesday we all received *free* Cobra beer thanks to Lord Karan Bilimoria - a Judge grad. White shoe gang group pic. That afternoon, Jimmy, Rebecca, Dom, and I all went to the IWM Duxford to finalize the Judge May Ball. We conducted a taste testing, walked through the venue, and determined some special surprises we can pull off. I hope everyone is as excited for this event as I am!


After the Duxford, the Queens' crew was invited to the Old Hall for the Barbel and Boar Feast. Barbel in honour of our first Queen, Margaret of Anjou and Boar in honour of our second Queen, Elizabeth Woodville. This was a special feast for everyone who would be graduating this year. (We technically graduate in the spring, but we all will be leaving the area in the fall). The most exciting thing happened, I was sitting next to one of the Senior Fellows who was able to get us upstairs! I have been staring at this balcony since October wondering how to get up there, turns out it's quite simple, but was very excited to see Old Hall from above. This was perhaps my final Old Hall formal as a student and there's something quite bittersweet about that thought. After the formal, we made our way across the street to Darbar, always a fun time!

Thursday - electives day. In preparation for Mergers and Acquisitions, Emily and I decided ice cream was a must. I have to say, there's nothing better than walking down King's Parade in the sun with an ice cream cone. Emily and Cody matched today. We had to capture this moment.

After class, we had our second Happy Hour of Easter Term at the Anchor. It was also Tasha's birthday and we made sure to sing the song to her!

Friday brought our last M&A class in the afternoon - we have an exam on Wednesday and I am not ready. Wish me well. After class, I stopped by the Eurovision watch party for a bit before meeting up with Emily to go to the final Choral Compline in the Queens' Chapel. Beyond being a beautiful service the best part is the donuts that we get afterwards :) Ended the night with some beer and fries from the Trailer of Life, always a classic.

Saturday was a big day. A bit back, Rebecca asked me if I would consider getting my ears pierced when she went for another piercing before the end of the program. I said I would consider it. I know, what thirty-year-old female doesn't have her ears pierced?? This one.

The rule growing up was that I had to be thirteen to get my ears the time thirteen hit I just could not be bothered. Over the years my mom has tried to no avail to get me to pierce my ears. What if a boy bought me earrings (lol)? My response? Then he couldn't have been paying much attention. Hilariously enough, only one guy has ever noticed my non-pierced ears on his own accord. But I think that shows how little people in general pay attention to piercings.

So here we are, May 20th. I agree to puncture my lil ears. Dominique went first and got a second lobe piercing. She showed me it wasn't painful and that I would be just fine. Rebecca got her conch pierced and I was sent away for that. Then it was my turn. Dom held my hand and Rebecca recorded the moment. Not painful, just stressful. Now I have a little gold star in each ear. Jas went after me and we all had some new holes!

After the piercing, Dom, Rebecca, Jasreen, and I went to a Malaysian restaurant to meet up with more classmates! I have never had Malaysian food before and it was delicious! Shoutout to Jas for ordering for everyone. We quickly stopped for an ice cream and then made our way to Hyde Park for a nice walk about. We then started our photo journey throughout London. We took a picture after someone left. What a crew! Dom, Val, Guy, Rebecca, Moon, Jas, Abdul, Chad, and Faisal.

First, there were 10

Then there were 9

Down to 7

6 left

Final 5

Fab 4


Sunday brought laundry, and studying - I have an exam in a few days...
In all candor, I think I am feeling a little overwhelmed today. 

Partly because it has been 24 hours and I am still unclear about how I feel about the ear change. I look in the mirror and it's someone else looking back. Is that silly? 100%, is that irrational? undoubtedly, but I don't feel or look like me right now. We will see if that changes over the next few days/weeks. 

Partly because I'm planning a big event and I want everything to run smoothly and be fabulous and memorable for my classmates. 

Partly because while I'm not behind on assignments, I'm most definitely not ahead on them like I have been in previous terms.  

All will be well, but to my classmates, please bear with me as I will assuredly be emailing you all a lot this week :)



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