A Full Heart

The week kicked off with a trip to Monaco! Rebecca, Dom, and I hopped on the train in Nice and enjoyed the day exploring the sights. Very pretty city - most definitely worth exploring for the day!



We woke up very early on Tuesday to head back to Cambridge, we all slept on the plane. Was able to make it to all my classes and everything :) Emily insisted on taking the pic below as I was giving vibes that matched the building. Get you a friend who hypes you up this much!

On Wednesday, Jo and I accidentally twinned. I will happily twin with this sweet gal any day of the week! After class, we had our first 'MBA Talk' of the programme. This idea sprung after watching Philip talk on an entrepreneurship panel at Queens' and being amazed by how much he had to share. I wanted our class to get this meat from each other too. Far too often we're focused more on making the personal connections and less on digging deep into our classmate's previous work experience - at least in my case.

I was pleased that the class was interested in hearing from each other and set up a panel to share their past professional learning. Chad, Hannah, Harris, and German were generous and brave enough to be on the first panel. I asked them some questions and they gave great answers. Thanks to the class for attending and participating!

Thursday brought our first official weekly MBA Happy Hour at the Anchor! It warmed my little heart to see so many people come out after lectures. We ate, drank, and even played a few card games. Afterward, Abdul, Dom, Hadeel, Val, and I all made our way to Queens' to get some food and hang out at QBar. 


I can't tell y'all how much joy I get from bringing everyone together. These moments right here are why I wanted to be one of the social chairs. These are the bubbles I wanted to help make, and I really hope we're making a big, beautiful bubble.

Friday started with some tennis at Downing and ended with drinks at Little Rose. We love a 2 cocktails for the price of 1 deal!

On Saturday I got to see my mom for the first time in a long time! She made a pitstop in London before going on a whirlwind trip with her sister through the UK and Ireland. 

I walked her through Judge, King's, Jesus, and Queens'. Queens' was definitely her favorite, but she loved the grounds at Jesus and was awestruck by the chapel at King's. It was special to show her my stomping grounds and to see Cambridge through her eyes. I think I often forget how unique it is that we get to spend a year in this place.

A huge thank you to a handful of gals (and Ian) who came to meet my mom. I know she was excited to meet some of my friends and finally meet some of the people that I've talked about or written about in the blog!

It was sad to say goodbye, but I am very grateful for the 24 hours I spent with her before she left for Glasgow! (Look how cute she is in that Cambridge sweatshirt!)


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