A Few Good People

Another full week of travel in Japan!

We started the week in Kyoto. We saw lots of temples and shrines throughout the day - absolutely stunning.




After our time in Kyoto, we took the bullet train to Hakone. Another stunningly beautiful place. We left a wish for our class at the Shrine of Academic Success - we got this y'all.  


Our night in Hakone was spent at a traditional Japanese hotel and we slept on mattresses on the floor and everything! We had a lovely dinner while there and learned some party games too. From there we made our way to Tokyo, but first, we stopped at a volcano with great views of Mt. Fuji. We ate hard-boiled eggs that are supposed to add seven years to our life - can't hurt. Then we took the gondola down the mountain to a little lake. We rode the ship across the lake and hopped on another bus to Tokyo!



Lina and I split from the group on Thursday to finish our GCP interviews. In honor of Rebecca, we had McDonald's for lunch - perhaps the most intriguing international offering I've stumbled upon since Rebecca has influenced my life - chicken teriyaki sandwich and a soy sauce burger. The night ended with one final group dinner and exploring the Tokyo version of Times Square.

On Friday, a few of us made the trek to Tokyo Disney - Disney Sea. We love some Disney, and seeing as I've only been to Disney World in Florida, it was really neat to see a different offering. Naturally, we all had to get some ears for the occasion. Only covered my eyes once on a scary rollercoaster #growth.


After a full day at Disney Sea, Lina and I took the red eye out of Tokyo. Quick pit stop in Dubai, and then 24 hours later we were finally back in London! Honestly, as fun as the past three weeks of travel have been, it was really grand to be back in Cambridge. Saturday night we got to celebrate Thomas's birthday at Queens' Old Hall. Can't say I was exciting dinner company, but it was lovely to see everyone again.

I felt bored on Sunday...after three weeks of nonstop activity, having a chance to do nothing felt weird. Albeit, this do-nothing period will be short-lived as Easter Term starts tomorrow. Got dinner with Cody and Rebecca and shared some grandma crafts with them (had to stay busy on all those long flights somehow!). I would say tomorrow is the last first day of classes, but I said that once in 2019 and here we are in 2023, so I can't be trusted when it comes to school. Looking forward to this term - pumped about the classes, the events, and the people. Let's get this.


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