Spring Break 2k23!!!!!! Our GCP group opted to take the first week of the 5 week period off and then work for the last 4 weeks. Emily kindly agreed to show me her home country and on Monday we headed to Dublin! This marked the 20th country that I’ve had a chance to visit and let me tell you Ireland is all it’s cracked up to be. After landing in Dublin Em showed me her neighborhood and we grabbed some snacks before hitting the road. Our first night ended in Cashel at the cutest little B&B. We found a nice little pub and enjoyed some pizza. The next day, the newly formed Team Rock headed to the Rock of Cashel, a very impressive castle in the town. We learned about friar energy and marveled at the architectural layout. "A note of optimism in an insecure world." After that, we hit the road again to head to Cork. Depending on if you ask someone from Cork or not, Cork is the best part of Ireland. I do have to say it is quite beautiful. Our next stop on the trip was Bl...