Sláinte Mhath

Week 2 of the Lent term proved to be incredibly busy. We're exhausted this week after several days filled with three classes apiece. On top of that, the social calendar was quite full this week too (I know, boo hoo).

On Tuesday, a group gathered for Ruth's birthday at Peterhouse College. We wore headbands in her honor! T'was one of the best meals at Peterhouse that I've ever had!


Wednesday brought the first grade release of Michaelmas finals. For reference, the grading scale in the UK is QUITE different than what I'm used to in the States. So far, so good on grades. As far as I know, everyone has passed, but we await five more grades to close out Michaelmas Term. 

What a stellar GPA I could have had in engineering school with this system ;)

As one of the social chairs, I visited the Fitzwilliam Museum to see if we could host an event there - I love a party at a museum. The night ended with the space team pizza dinner, always a good time with this crew.

On Thursday, I went on a lil tour of Queens' with some fellow MCR members. Rumor has it that they're looking for students to sign up as tour guides...I may have a new job soon.

Taylor and Ian were kind enough to host a small group of us for a home-cooked meal. A home-cooked meal is special when most meals are consumed at a dining hall. A lovely group of ladies made for a fun night!

Friday marked the end of my first elective of Lent, Risk Management, which means that I have a final essay due in two weeks...does anyone have any topic ideas for risk management they want to share? Friday night ended at Queens' Chapel with Emily to enjoy the Choral Compline and DONUTS! Can't remember the last time I enjoyed a donut, but boy did that hit the spot on Friday.

Saturday ended with a Burn's Night celebration at Queens' Old Hall. For all the years that I've been adjacent to the Scottish world, I was not familiar with Burn's Night. But I enjoyed haggis for the first time and heard several of Robert Burn's poems throughout the night with a bagpipe accompaniment! 

On a school note, I am starting to apply to jobs in earnest - so if you see something good, please let me know. 

One of our classmates shared this interesting article from The Washington Post regarding where MBAs are looking to be employed post-graduation. Typically it's finance, consulting, or tech. I can vouch that we are typically steered in the direction of those career paths, especially consulting. The number of times I've been asked if I want to be a consultant...The beauty of this article from The Washington Post showcases that there are other options. Other industries can utilize and benefit from the knowledge that we are gaining. I know that I am an anomaly with my aerospace background and even more of an anomaly because I want to go back to that niche industry. There is nothing wrong with finance, consulting, or tech, but part of pursuing an MBA for me is about how to make the most positive impact I can in the world, and for me, I don't think I do that through those avenues. 

It's going to be interesting to see how the next several months play out for all of us, but I do feel confident that we are going to find roles that best utilize our skills and ignite our passions. Stay tuned as it's going to be a wild ride.


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