One Last Time

I have avoided writing this blog post because it is the end of a chapter in many ways, and quite frankly, I am not ready to turn the page. For once, I find myself at a loss for words...I'm just as surprised as you are. As always, thank you for reading, and please bear with me one last time as I reflect on my Cambridge experience. As I look back on my time at Cambridge, I can't help but smile. This program, this place, and these people have changed my life in ways I still can't possibly know or appreciate. How can I find the words to express what this programme means to me? As much as I've tried to find an eloquent and succinct way to summarize it, I have realized I can't. But, I have documented it - here. This blog details the experiences, the emotions, and the incredible people that made this something I don't want to say goodbye to quite yet. They say don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened. I say that's a grand trivialization. B...